In the heart of an ancient, whispering forest, where the trees arched like cathedral ceilings and the air sparkled with magic, lived a fairy named Cora. Her wings shimmered with a thousand hues of twilight, and she moved with a grace that seemed to make the very leaves sigh in wonder.
One misty afternoon, as the sun dappled the forest floor with its golden light, Cora heard a sound that didn’t belong to the forest: the curious whispers of three little girls. Curiosity and concern pulled her closer, but she knew the rules well. All fairies must remain hidden, for the forest was a place of secrets and enchantments.
Cora watched from behind a veil of ivy as the girls, no older than four or five, looked around in the forest with wonder.
She had seen countless travelers come and go, but she had never before witnessed such raw, beautiful innocence. Despite the rules, something inside her urged her to show herself. Gathering her courage, she let her light burst forth in the dense woods.
The girls gasped as they saw the soft, glowing figure hovering above them. “Who—who are you?” one stammered disbelieving.
“I am Cora,” the fairy replied, her voice gentle and musical.
The girls’ eyes widened in awe. They had never seen a fairy before and they gazed at Cora with wonder.
Cora’s heart felt like it would burst. “Follow me,” she said, her light growing brighter. “I want to show you something.”